Musical map | Familiarize yourself with the world of South Indian classical music

To familiarize yourself with the world of Carnatic music click on any “pin” on the interactive map for more informationcheck the textbook entries for all the names and musical forms mentioned in the accompanying text boxeszoom in and out on the map by clicking on the + / – control buttonsdisplay more options (click the menu button on the left top of the …

Select online Sanskrit and Tamil dictionaries

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Google Custom Search requires JavaScript

In order to see and use Google Custom Search, JavaScript needs to be enabled in your internet browser. This screenshot shows what a Google Custom Search window looks like: Note: the above illustration is not active; to enter your keywords or names in an active Search field, please return to Find song lyrics or Custom search – press and websites. If JavaScript …

Video | “There is more than one form of being a devadasi”: The complex world of India’s devadasis – Interview with filmmaker (Lady) Beeban Kidron

Interview with filmmaker Beeban Kidron, plus exclusive clips from her new film. Sex, Death and the Gods explores the complex world of India’s devadasi, girls devoted to a goddess and then sold for sex at puberty | Lindsay Poulton and Joanna Moorhead,, 21 January 2011 >> Documentary maker Beeban Kidron (4:49): “They [the devadasis themselves] …