Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is e-learning?

E-learning facilitates continuous learning, the delivery of multimedia contents, personal interaction and self-evaluation without limitations in terms of physical or cultural distance. Please refer to Wikipedia for more information on “collaborative learning” via the internet.

The flexibility of e-learning makes South Indian music a pursuit that is both enjoyable and rewarding. It is in the nature of Carnatic music that it is as much part of our personal lives as it may be of professional interest as students, performers and teachers.

Under the guidance of expert tutors, embraces e-learning as an opportunity to jointly explore South Indian classical music with fellow students and music lovers anywhere in the world.

How does e-learning work here?

The beauty of e-learning consists in its scope for following an individual path. This means that the tutors can focus on providing in-depth guidance on subjects in their own domain of competence; and this as and when approached by a participant.

Are there any fixed timings? 

No – the course is “self-paced”; experience has shown that each participant has a different tempo and range of special interests.

How much prior knowledge or musical experience is required in order to participate?

You are welcome to participate even without any prior knowledge of Carnatic music or practical music experience of any kind. This course is part of an intercultural dialogue in which Carnatic musicians will continue to play a major role.

Among the course participants have been lovers and students of Indian music just as musicians, dancers, scholars, critics, teachers and others interested in Indian culture.

Can I follow the course on my smartphone or other portable device such as a tablet computer?

Yes, every effort is being made to make the contents of this website compatible with any smartphone or (tablet) computer, whatever its operating system.

How much time will I spend on this course?

Do consider setting aside about half an hour per day over the entire course period for active participation; and a little more for an in-depth exploration of the course topics you are most passionate about.

As in any educational environment and learning process, the rewards for your participation in this course will be commensurate with your personal involvement.

The more you get immersed in the subjects covered the more you’ll enjoy discovering new facets, listening to Carnatic music, and interacting with others during and beyond this online course.

Is this course being sponsored via advertisement?

No, it is ad-free and freely accessible

What about devotion?

This question is a personal one and therefore beyond the purview of this course. To put it succinctly in the words of Dr. Lakshmi Sreeram: “Even the brilliant Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer, who was himself deeply religious, clarified that bhakti is essential for a Carnatic music, but this bhakti is for music, not for any personal deity.” (Read her essay titled “Carnatic Music Ruminating the Landscape” in Indian Horizons July-September 2013, Indian Council for Cultural Relations New Delhi (backup file 14,5 MB).

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