Vocal with vina accompaniment: Sreevidhya & Chandramouli (Karaikudi Bani)
Dr. Srinivasa Ayya Srinivasan, a dear friend of ours, and an Indologist at University of Hamburg, Germany, passed away on May 2nd, 2019. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Pia Srinivasan, who was a student of late Rajeswari Padmanabhan. We pay homage to his great soul with a few of his favorite compositions on voice and Veena.
- To listen and view photos on youtube, click here >>
- Find the lyrics* sung in the tribute by Dhvani in the search window seen below or click here >>
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Dhvani was formed to Preserve, Explore & Disseminate Indian art and cultural heritage. As a grassroots organization devoted to expanding knowledge in our community, Dhvani fulfills the need to inculcate an integrated understanding of art in Indian culture as well as other cultures.
Compositions heard as part of the Karaikudi Voyage tribute
- Paripalaya – Ritigaula – Adi tala – Tyagaraja
- Ramapahi meghasyama – Kapi – Adi tala – Tyagaraja
- Amba nilayatakshi – Nilambari – Adi tala – Muttusvami Dikshitar
Find song lyrics by typing any of the above in the search window:

18 September 1932 – 2 May 2019
Deutsch: Tributes by colleagues (in German)
Select titles
Hinduismus und ökologische Ethik: Einige Bemerkungen
http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/900603864 | Details in German (Vienna University) >>
The goddess Māriyammaṉ in music and in sociology of religion
by Pia Srinivasan Buonomo; Srinivasa Ayya Srinivasan
Open access version (text and audio files discussed):
On the composition of the Nāṭyaśāstra
Studies in the Rāma story : on the irretrievable loss of Vālmīki’s original and the operation of the received text as seen in some versions of the Vālin-Sugrīva episode
Nonviolence and holistically environmental ethics : gropings while reading Samayadivākaravāman̲amun̲i on Nīlakēci
http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/929910155 / http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/899297850
Find these and related publications (add “open access” for freely downloadable content) on worldcat.org >>